In the movie Girls with Balls (2018), the all-girls volleyball team called The Falcons find themselves in a nightmare situation when their mini-van breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Unbeknownst to them, they have stumbled into the territory of a group of depraved hunters, and they soon become the prey in a deadly hunt.
As the night wears on, the girls must not only fight for their lives but also band together and put their teamwork and trust to the test. Although they may seem like innocent victims, the girls prove to be resourceful and resilient in the face of danger. In the heart of the forest, the power dynamics between the hunters and the hunted begin to shift, setting the stage for a thrilling and unpredictable showdown.
Girls with Balls is a high-stakes survival horror film that combines elements of comedy and action. With its suspenseful plot and strong female characters, the movie offers a fresh and empowering take on the genre. Viewers can expect a rollercoaster ride of tension, humor, and unexpected twists as The Falcons fight for their lives and discover the true strength of their team spirit.