El Ángel (2018) is an Argentine crime film that delves into the extraordinary true story of Carlos, a seemingly innocent 17-year-old with an angelic face, whose dark side lurks beneath. Directed by Luis Ortega, this gripping thriller takes audiences on a captivating journey through Carlos' life of robberies, deceit, and even murder. Set in 1970s Buenos Aires, the film explores the complex psyche of a young man driven by his criminal desires.
Carlos, played by Lorenzo Ferro, captures the attention of both his peers and the audience with his charismatic and enigmatic personality. Alongside his partner in crime, Ramón, Carlos embarks on a spree of daring heists, targeting the wealthy elite of Buenos Aires. However, as their crimes escalate, the pair's bond is tested, and Carlos' dark side becomes increasingly apparent.
The film expertly combines elements of crime, suspense, and coming-of-age drama, drawing viewers into Carlos' enthralling descent into darkness. Ortega's directorial style, with its attention to detail and atmospheric cinematography, creates a captivating visual experience. Additionally, the stunning performances, particularly by Ferro in his breakout role, breathe life into the complex characters and their motivations.
El Ángel stands out as a gripping crime film that explores the fascinating and disturbing journey of a young criminal mastermind, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats and questioning the blurred lines between good and evil.