Fighting with My Family is an inspiring and heartwarming comedy-drama that follows the journey of a tight-knit family living their dreams in the world of professional wrestling. The story revolves around a former wrestler and his family, who make a living by performing at small venues across the country. However, their children, especially daughter Paige, have bigger aspirations to join the prestigious World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).
Directed by Stephen Merchant and based on true events, this film showcases the challenges and triumphs the family faces as Paige trains and competes for a chance to be a WWE superstar. As the siblings face intense physical training and fierce competition, they must also grapple with the sacrifices and tough decisions that come with pursuing their passion.
Fighting with My Family beautifully portrays the bond between family members as they support and motivate each other through the ups and downs of the wrestling world. Through humor, relatable characters, and surprising twists, the film offers a heartwarming exploration of the power of determination and the importance of pursuing one's dreams.
With a talented cast including Florence Pugh, Lena Headey, Nick Frost, and Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Fighting with My Family delivers a captivating story that will keep audiences entertained and inspired.
Also Known As:
Fighting with My FamilyRelease Date:
22 Feb 2019Writers:
Stephen Merchant