In Morran och Tobias, a heartwarming comedy, we are introduced to the eccentric duo of mother Morran and son Tobias. This unconventional pair resides in a dilapidated home with car wreckage scattered in their garden, marked by their status as societal outsiders. Unafraid to march to the beat of their own drum, they tackle everyday challenges with their unique and creative approaches.
Played by Johan Rheborg and Robert Gustafsson, Morran and Tobias bring an infectious energy to the screen as they find unconventional solutions to their problems. Their unconventional lifestyle adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to every situation they encounter.
Directed by Mats Lindberg, Morran och Tobias delivers laughs and heartwarming moments in equal measure. The film's comedic moments are interspersed with heartfelt and touching scenes, showcasing the deep bond between Morran and Tobias as they navigate life's trials together.
With its quirky characters and unconventional storyline, Morran och Tobias offers a refreshing take on the classic comedy genre. This film is a perfect choice for those seeking laughter and heartwarming moments in equal measure. Get ready to be entertained and uplifted by the delightful adventures of Morran and Tobias.
Also Known As:
Morran och TobiasRelease Date:
22 Oct 2014Writers:
Robert Gustafsson, Mats Lindberg, Johan RheborgAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination