Sulla mia pelle (2018) is a gripping Italian drama based on real events, shedding light on one of the country's most notorious court cases. The film delves into the tragic story of Stefano Cucchi, an ordinary young man who gets arrested for a minor offense and tragically dies while in police custody under mysterious circumstances. This shocking incident sends shockwaves through his family, altering their lives forever.
The movie follows the aftermath of Stefano's arrest, exploring the anguish, despair, and relentless search for truth experienced by his distraught loved ones. As the family grapples with grief and confusion, they confront the complexities of the Italian justice system and face the daunting task of unravelling what truly happened to Stefano.
Sulla mia pelle not only portrays the heart-wrenching emotions of a family's loss but also raises important societal questions about the treatment of prisoners and the responsibility of law enforcement. It navigates the delicate balance between justice and compassion, leaving viewers to contemplate the consequences of a broken system.
With powerful performances and a compelling narrative, this thought-provoking film offers a poignant exploration of a devastating true story. Sulla mia pelle is a must-watch for those interested in gripping courtroom dramas and films based on real events.