Journeyman (2018) is a captivating and emotional drama that follows the life of boxer Matty Burton as he faces the aftermath of a devastating head injury sustained during a fight. This profound and touching film delves into the far-reaching consequences his injury has on his marriage, his family, and ultimately, his life.
As Matty grapples with the physical and psychological challenges of his condition, his wife, Emma, becomes his unwavering pillar of support. Together, they navigate the difficult journey of recovery, as Matty struggles to regain his identity and reclaim his former life.
Heartfelt and intense, Journeyman explores the depths of love, marriage, and the strength of the human spirit. It delves into the sacrifices and the resilience required to face the formidable challenges that life throws at us, and the unyielding determination to overcome them.
Featuring extraordinary performances by Paddy Considine and Jodie Whittaker, this thought-provoking film is a testament to the extraordinary power of love and the human capacity to triumph over adversity.
Witness the gripping story of one man's fight for redemption and discover the true meaning of courage and perseverance in Journeyman.