Father of the Year is a hilarious comedy film that follows the story of Ben, a college valedictorian who pays a visit to his underachieving father in a trailer park. One evening, while sharing drinks with his friend Larry, Ben and Larry engage in a heated argument about whose father would win in a fight. Unbeknownst to them, Ben's father overhears this conversation and decides to prove that he is not a loser.
What starts as a simple challenge quickly spirals into chaos as Ben's dad attempts to beat up Larry's father, who happens to be more of a pushover. The mismatched duel ends up causing a series of wild, unpredictable events that will have viewers laughing out loud.
Throughout the film, the comedic timing and chemistry between the characters create a hilarious and entertaining experience. With engaging performances from the cast, including David Spade and Nat Faxon, Father of the Year tackles the themes of fatherhood, friendship, and personal growth in a lighthearted manner.
Audiences will enjoy the comedic twists and turns, as well as the heartfelt moments that add depth to the story. Father of the Year is a must-watch for those looking for a fun-filled comedy that will leave them in stitches.
Also Known As:
Father of the YearRelease Date:
20 Jul 2018Writers:
Brandon Cournoyer, Tyler Spindel