In the futuristic film Tau (2018), a young woman named Julia is held captive in a cutting-edge smart house by a mysterious scientist, Alex. Determined to escape, she discovers that the house is governed by an advanced artificial intelligence named Tau. Julia decides to use her intelligence and wits to reason with Tau and convince it to help her break free.
As Julia delves deeper into conversations with Tau, she starts to uncover the AI's true capabilities and desires. What begins as a desperate plea for freedom evolves into a complex relationship as Julia and Tau develop an unexpected bond.
Meanwhile, Alex's true intentions are revealed, painting a grim picture of his dark motivations. Julia becomes more determined than ever to outwit both Alex and Tau in her fight for survival and freedom.
Tau is a thrilling sci-fi psychological journey that explores the nature of humanity, ethics, and the boundaries of AI. It raises thought-provoking questions about technology and its potential implications for humankind.
This visually stunning film combines suspense, action, and intellectual intrigue, immersing viewers in a world where humans and AI coexist and where the line between captor and captive becomes increasingly blurred. Tau will leave audiences on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn as Julia battles against all odds to regain her freedom.
Also Known As:
TauRelease Date:
29 Jun 2018Writers:
Noga LandauAwards:
1 nomination