Succession (2018–2023) is a gripping drama series that revolves around the Roy family, whose power and wealth are synonymous with control over the global media and entertainment empire they built. The world of the Roys is thrown into disarray when their aging patriarch decides to step down from his position as the head of the company, triggering a fierce power struggle among his ambitious children.
Set in a backdrop of political maneuvering, alliances, and betrayals, Succession follows the lives of Logan Roy's four children as they compete for the coveted role of CEO of Waystar Royco. Kendall, the eldest son, struggles with substance abuse while grappling with his desire to prove himself to his father. Shiv, the only daughter, is a sharp and cunning political consultant who navigates the treacherous waters of the media landscape. Roman, the youngest son, displays a reckless and rebellious streak, constantly challenging the family dynamics. Finally, Connor, the eldest son from Logan's first marriage, is an eccentric outsider who marches to his own tune.
As the siblings vie for power, their relationships with each other become increasingly fractured, leading to intense and often cutthroat confrontations. Succession delves into the complex dynamics of family loyalty, corporate greed, and the lengths people will go to secure their legacy. With its sharp writing, rich character development, and impeccable performances, this critically acclaimed series captivates viewers with its exploration of power and ambition within the high-stakes world of media conglomerates.
Also Known As:
SuccessionRelease Date:
03 Jun 2018Writers:
Jesse ArmstrongAwards:
Won 13 Primetime Emmys. 102 wins & 185 nominations total