The Clapper is a comedy film that tells the story of Eddie Krumble, an ordinary guy who works as a professional audience member and gets paid to clap and laugh on various television shows. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when his job as The Clapper earns him unexpected fame and publicity. Suddenly, Eddie's anonymity is shattered, and he becomes a target for unwanted attention and ridicule from the public and media.
As his newfound celebrity status spirals out of control, Eddie's relationships suffer, including his blossoming romance with a gas station attendant named Judy. With the relentless pursuit of a late-night talk show host determined to expose him, Eddie must navigate the unpredictable consequences of his 15 minutes of fame and find a way to preserve his sanity and livelihood.
Directed by Dito Montiel and starring Ed Helms, Amanda Seyfried, and Tracy Morgan, The Clapper is a lighthearted comedy that explores the destructive nature of fame and its impact on an average person's life. Full of witty humor and relatable characters, the film takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of hilarious situations and heartfelt moments, ultimately delivering a poignant message about the price of fame and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Also Known As:
The ClapperRelease Date:
26 Jan 2018Writers:
Dito MontielAwards:
1 nomination