In Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, four diverse teenagers find themselves magically transported into an ancient video game. Initially, they appear as their chosen avatars and are thrust into a perilous jungle setting. The group quickly realizes that the only way to return to the real world is by completing the game's quests and surviving its treacherous challenges.
Each teenager takes on a unique avatar, embodying characters that are wildly different from their own personalities. The nerdy Spencer becomes the strong and fearless explorer Dr. Smolder Bravestone (played by Dwayne Johnson). Bethany, the self-obsessed popular girl, turns into the overweight and middle-aged Professor Shelly Oberon (played by Jack Black). Fridge, the star athlete, transforms into the diminutive zoologist Professor Franklin Finbar (played by Kevin Hart). Lastly, the shy and socially awkward Martha becomes the fierce and skilled fighter Ruby Roundhouse (played by Karen Gillan).
As they navigate through the unpredictable dangers of the game, the group realizes they must overcome personal insecurities and conflicting character traits to survive. With each challenge, they uncover the true power of teamwork and friendship. Desperate to return to their own bodies and lives, the teenagers must find the courage to face their fears and work together to complete the game and escape Jumanji. Filled with action, humor, and a heartwarming message, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is an exciting and entertaining adventure that showcases the power of unity and self-discovery.
Also Known As:
Jumanji: Welcome to the JungleRelease Date:
20 Dec 2017Writers:
Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Scott RosenbergAwards:
5 wins & 15 nominations