Good Girls (2018–) is a thrilling TV series that tells the captivating story of three suburban mothers who, pushed to their limits, decide to take control of their lives. Beth, Annie, and Ruby quickly find themselves in dire circumstances, facing financial struggles and personal challenges that leave them feeling trapped and defeated. Frustrated with their mundane lives, they ultimately decide to undertake a daring plan that involves crime.
With a strong desire to regain their power, the women put their safety on the line and delve into a world they never expected to be a part of. From money laundering to robbery, they embark on an exhilarating journey that is as dangerous as it is empowering. As they navigate through deception and intrigue, they discover new sides of themselves and develop unexpected alliances.
Good Girls explores the complexities of the human spirit, as these ordinary women are forced to confront the extraordinary circumstances they find themselves in. With each choice they make, the show delves deeper into their personal growth and the bonds they form.
This gripping series touches on themes of friendship, resilience, and the strength of the human spirit. Good Girls will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, offering a thrilling and thought-provoking viewing experience.
Also Known As:
Good GirlsRelease Date:
26 Feb 2018Writers:
Jenna BansAwards:
1 nomination.