Crossing Point (2016) is an intense action thriller that follows a young couple, Michael and Olivia, who find their romantic vacation in Baja turning into a nightmare. While enjoying their time together, Olivia is suddenly kidnapped by a ruthless drug dealer. In a desperate attempt to save his girlfriend, Michael is given a dangerous ultimatum: he must smuggle a backpack filled with stolen cocaine across the US-Mexico border within twelve hours, or Olivia will be killed.
As Michael delves into the treacherous underworld of Mexico, he quickly realizes that he must become a force to be reckoned with if he wants to survive and rescue Olivia. Hot on his trail is a determined Tijuana Cop, adding an extra layer of tension and danger to their already high-stakes situation.
Crossing Point is a gripping and suspenseful film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout. With its fast-paced action sequences and compelling performances by Shawn Lock and María Gabriela de Faría, the movie delivers an adrenaline-pumping ride. Audiences will be captivated by the intense race against time as Michael fights to outsmart his enemies and reunite with his beloved Olivia. Packed with thrilling twists and turns, Crossing Point is a must-watch for fans of action-packed thrillers.