Hard Sun is a thrilling and gritty crime drama that takes place in a world on the brink of destruction. The story revolves around two detectives, Charlie Hicks and Elaine Renko, who are forced to work together despite their opposing views on life. As they investigate a seemingly routine murder case, they stumble upon a shocking secret that could change the course of humanity forever.
Set in a pre-apocalyptic London, the series explores the moral dilemmas faced by the protagonists as they navigate a world that is slowly descending into chaos. Hicks, a seasoned and cynical detective, believes in a survival-of-the-fittest approach, while Renko, a principled and compassionate officer, is determined to seek justice and protect the innocent.
As they delve deeper into their investigation, Hicks and Renko uncover a massive conspiracy that involves high-ranking officials and threatens to expose a classified government file known as Hard Sun - evidence of an impending cataclysmic event. With time running out, the detectives must decide whether to risk their lives to protect the truth or succumb to the powers that be.
Hard Sun is a gripping and intense series that combines elements of crime, thriller, and science fiction. With its thought-provoking premise and complex characters, it offers a compelling and suspenseful viewing experience. Embark on a journey into a dark and dangerous London, where survival and justice hang in the balance.
Also Known As:
Hard SunRelease Date:
07 Mar 2018Writers:
Neil Cross