Sarah's Key is a thought-provoking and emotional film set during one of the darkest periods in French history. The story revolves around two timelines, one taking place in 1942 Paris and the other in 2009. In 1942, ten-year-old Sarah and her family are among the 10,000 Jews rounded up by French officials and sent to local camps, eventually being transported to concentration camps in Germany. During the arrest, Sarah hides her younger brother in a closet, promising to return for him.
Fast forward to 2009, and Julia, a journalist, is assigned to write a story about the deported Jews in 1942. As she moves into her father-in-law's childhood apartment, she uncovers a connection to the Strazynski family, one of the families torn apart during the arrests. Intrigued by this discovery, Julia becomes determined to unravel the truth about Sarah and her brother.
The film explores themes of guilt, remembrance, and the importance of preserving history. It raises important questions about the obligations we have to remember and learn from the past.
With its powerful performances and compelling storytelling, Sarah's Key leaves viewers with a deep emotional impact. It sheds light on a little-known aspect of French history and reminds us about the resilience of the human spirit. This gripping drama is a must-watch for anyone interested in historical events and their enduring influence on individuals.