Summary: In the movie Demolition Man set in 2032, a convicted crime lord named Simon Phoenix is revived from cryogenic suspension. In this new society called San Angeles, which has merged three cities into one, crime has been eradicated through non-violent methods. However, Phoenix soon resumes his violent ways, causing chaos in the city.
Meanwhile, John Spartan, a police officer who had apprehended Phoenix in 1996, is mistakenly frozen as well and finally gets thawed out in 2032. Unfamiliar with the advanced technology and peaceful ways of San Angeles, Spartan is enlisted to help capture Phoenix again.
As Phoenix continues his killing spree, Spartan teams up with Lenina Huxley, a police officer, to bring him down. However, Spartan faces challenges in adapting to the futuristic world, including encountering self-driving cars and other advanced innovations. Along the way, Spartan discovers the unconventional methods used by Phoenix and learns to navigate the new society with Huxley's help.
Together, Spartan and Huxley face dangerous encounters and thrilling action sequences as they strive to stop Phoenix's reign of terror. Demolition Man is an exciting futuristic thriller that explores the clash between a crime-free society and a violent criminal set loose upon it. With dynamic performances and captivating storytelling, this film provides a thought-provoking exploration of the potential consequences of a utopian society.