Ghost Team One is a hilarious horror-comedy that follows two roommates, Sergio and Brad, who are deathly afraid of ghosts. When a beautiful girl named Fernanda moves into their home, they both fall head over heels in love with her. The catch? Fernanda believes their house is haunted.
Determined to win Fernanda's heart, Sergio and Brad decide to investigate the alleged hauntings, with the intention of impressing her. Armed with a camera, they document their experiences and encounters with the supernatural. As they delve deeper into the investigation, strange and terrifying events unfold, forcing them to confront their deepest fears.
With plenty of jump scares, hilarious misadventures, and unexpected twists, Ghost Team One offers a fresh and unique take on the haunted house genre. The chemistry between the lead actors is undeniable, and their comedic timing keeps the audience entertained throughout the film.
Directed by Scott Rutherford and Ben Peyser, the film seamlessly blends comedy and horror, offering a thrilling and comedic rollercoaster ride. Ghost Team One is a perfect choice for anyone who enjoys a mix of laughs and scares. So, grab your popcorn, turn off the lights, and prepare for a side-splitting and spine-chilling ghostly adventure!