Speed Zone (1989) is an action-packed, high-octane racing film that will take audiences on a thrilling cross-country journey. Set in the United States, the film revolves around an illegal race where a group of daring racers compete against each other, facing off against occasional law enforcement interference and damsels in distress. While Jackie Chan's car is not featured in this installment, viewers can expect an exhilarating race filled with new and impressive automobiles.
The intense race, which spans the entire country, promises a nail-biting competition as racers vie for the ultimate victory. As the adrenaline-fueled action unfolds, audiences will be left guessing who will come out on top, who will crash, and who will fail to finish.
With its fast-paced plot and heart-stopping moments, Speed Zone guarantees an adrenaline-pumping experience like no other. So, buckle up, sit back, and prepare for the ride of your life. Get ready to witness an epic race filled with high-speed chases, rivalries, and dangerous obstacles that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.