Pathology (2008) is a gripping thriller that follows a group of brilliant medical students who engage in a deadly game of murder. Set in a prestigious pathology program, the film explores their twisted minds and their sinister obsession with perfection.
Led by the charismatic Teddy, the students challenge each other to commit the perfect murder, using their advanced knowledge of medicine and intricate understanding of the human body. As the game progresses, their actions become increasingly sinister and shocking, blurring the lines between good and evil.
With its dark and intense storyline, Pathology delves deep into the psychological aspects of these characters. It explores themes of obsession, power dynamics, and the human capacity for darkness.
The film features a talented cast, including Milo Ventimiglia as the enigmatic Teddy, and Alyssa Milano as a new student who unwittingly becomes involved in the deadly game. Their performances are riveting and keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Directed by Marc Schoelermann, the movie combines elements of suspense, crime, and horror to create a thrilling and disturbing viewing experience. Pathology will keep audiences guessing until the very end, as the students' deadly games escalate to shocking and unexpected heights.
Prepare to be enthralled by the twisted minds of these medical students in Pathology, a psychological thriller that will leave you questioning the limits of human morality and the lengths some will go to achieve perfection.
Also Known As:
PathologyRelease Date:
11 Apr 2008Writers:
Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor