In the rural Sweden of the 1950s, a young girl named Elina returns to school after recovering from tuberculosis. Her father has passed away from the same illness, leaving Elina and her family devastated. However, Elina's family faces discrimination as Finnish-speaking Finns, and they are looked down upon by the strict schoolmistress, Miss Holm.
Miss Holm takes an instant dislike to Elina and begins to harass her for speaking up and challenging her authority. Determined to stand up for herself, Elina finds support from her mother, sister, and a progressive male teacher who believe in her potential. They try to mediate the escalating conflict between Elina and Miss Holm, who becomes more determined to crush Elina's spirit.
Feeling alone and misunderstood, Elina seeks solace in the dangerous marshlands near her home, where she imagines having conversations with her deceased father. These imaginary conversations provide her with comfort and guidance during her difficult journey.
Elina - Som om jag inte fanns is a captivating film that highlights themes of discrimination, resilience, and finding one's voice. Set against the backdrop of a conservative society, the movie explores the strength of a young girl who refuses to be silenced. With a strong cast and a compelling storyline, Elina - Som om jag inte fanns paints a powerful portrait of a young girl's struggle for acceptance and belonging.