American Ninja 5 (1993) is an action-packed film that follows the daring adventure of American Ninja, played by David Bradley. When the daughter of a renowned scientist is kidnapped, American Ninja embarks on a mission to rescue her. However, this time he joins forces with a promising young individual who he has trained in the art of the ninja.
Set against a high-stakes backdrop, American Ninja 5 showcases thrilling martial arts sequences and heart-pounding action scenes that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. As American Ninja and his protégé navigate their way through a dangerous underworld, they encounter various challenges, deadly enemies, and unexpected twists.
Directed by Bobby Jean Leonard, American Ninja 5 delivers an adrenaline-fueled story that explores themes of heroism, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit. With its dynamic fight sequences and impressive stunts, the film offers a captivating cinematic experience for all lovers of the action genre.
Join American Ninja as he faces off against formidable adversaries and employs his exceptional ninja skills to defeat the forces of evil and save the scientist's daughter. With non-stop excitement and a thrilling plot, American Ninja 5 is a must-watch film that guarantees to entertain audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
American Ninja 5Release Date:
22 Apr 1993Writers:
Greg Latter, George Saunders, John Bryant