In Dragonfyre (2013), a retired ex-Special Forces Operative named John decides to escape the chaos of the world by purchasing a ranch in the tranquil American West. Seeking solitude and peace, John hopes to leave behind his troubled past. However, his plans quickly unravel when a series of unexpected trespassers arrive on his property.
Among the visitors are a stunning elf princess and a wise Native American mystic who bring tales of a looming danger. Little does John know that their warnings are not unfounded. Soon, a horde of dangerous Orcs descend upon his land, threatening to unleash their powerful dragon god upon the world.
Forced to abandon his isolation, John must confront the Orcs and their mystical beasts to protect his home and humanity. With courage and determination, he transforms from a solitary rancher into an unexpected hero. Alongside the elf princess and mystic, John embarks on a thrilling battle to prevent the ultimate catastrophe.
Dragonfyre is a captivating fantasy adventure set against the backdrop of the American West. Filled with stunning visuals, intense action sequences, and unexpected allies, this film takes viewers on an exhilarating journey as John rises to the challenge and faces his destiny to protect the world from the impending darkness.