In Den hemliga trädgården (1993), a young British girl named Mary Lennox is uprooted from her life in India after a tragic earthquake claims the lives of her negligent parents. She is sent to live with her distant uncle in England, who is still grieving the loss of his beloved wife a decade earlier. However, Mary finds herself neglected once again in her uncle's gloomy estate.
Desperate for companionship, Mary embarks on a journey of exploration and stumbles upon a hidden garden that has been locked and abandoned for years. With the help of one of the servants' brothers, a cheerful and mischievous boy named Dickon, Mary begins the arduous task of restoring the garden to its former glory. As the garden blossoms, Mary's own spirit begins to heal.
As she delves deeper into the secrets of the manor, Mary uncovers other hidden mysteries, including the tragic fate of her cousin Colin, who has been confined to his room due to a mysterious illness. Determined to help Colin, Mary enlists the aid of Dickon and together they embark on a mission to bring him out of his self-imposed isolation.
Den hemliga trädgården is a heartwarming tale of friendship, resilience, and the power of nature to heal. Join Mary as she transforms her own life and those around her by unlocking the secrets of the enchanting garden.