In Holiday in Handcuffs (2006), a heartwarming and comedic holiday film, we follow the story of a struggling artist named Gertrude Trudie Chandler, who works as a waitress. Desperate to avoid her family's disappointment during Christmas, Trudie hatches a crazy plan - she kidnaps her customer, David, and brings him home as her boyfriend.
As the charm of the holiday season takes over, Trudie's wild scheme becomes a heartfelt and entertaining adventure. Surrounded by her eccentric family, Trudie navigates through a series of hilarious mishaps, trying to keep up the facade of her fake relationship with David. Along the way, she discovers an unexpected connection with him, leading to moments of self-reflection and personal growth.
In this delightful holiday rom-com, viewers will be enthralled by the charismatic performances of Melissa Joan Hart as Trudie and Mario Lopez as David. The movie explores themes of family, love, and finding oneself, all wrapped up in a festive and heartwarming Christmas setting.
Holiday in Handcuffs is a whimsical and delightful film that captures the magic of the holiday season, providing audiences with laughter, love, and a sprinkle of holiday cheer. Tune in to this enchanting movie and join Trudie on her unforgettable journey that reminds us of the joy of family and the importance of being true to oneself.
Also Known As:
Holiday in HandcuffsRelease Date:
09 Dec 2007Writers:
Sara Endsley