In Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs, the Planet Express crew faces a new, mind-bending adventure. Rips in the fabric of the universe appear, linking their world with another one inhabited by a gigantic tentacled alien. This formidable creature quickly seizes control of Earth and manipulates Fry, one of the crew members, to establish a religion that sweeps across the planet.
As the new religion gains followers, it convinces the people of Earth to abandon their home in favor of a pseudo-heaven. Consequently, the world is left in the hands of robots. The crew must now undertake a desperate mission to save their planet, facing numerous obstacles along the way.
This animated film, based on the beloved television series, takes viewers on a humorous yet thought-provoking journey through a sci-fi universe. Filled with the show's signature blend of witty dialogue, clever references, and imaginative visuals, Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs offers an entertaining escape for fans and newcomers alike.
Prepare for a rollercoaster of laughter, intrigue, and unexpected twists as the Planet Express crew navigates an existential threat to their world. Will they succeed in restoring order and reclaiming Earth from the clutches of the tentacled beast? Find out as you embark on this hilarious and thrilling ride.