Cassandra's Dream is a gripping crime drama that follows the lives of two brothers, Terry and Ian, who are struggling with severe financial troubles. Desperate for a way out, they find themselves presented with a tempting offer from a third party to engage in criminal activities. However, their decision to embark on this dangerous path leads to disastrous consequences, ultimately turning the two brothers against each other.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Woody Allen, Cassandra's Dream delves into the complexities of morality and the consequences one faces when driven to extreme measures. As Terry and Ian desperately try to navigate the dark and treacherous world they have entered, tensions rise, and they find themselves entangled in a web of deceit, betrayal, and violence.
Starring talented actors Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor as the troubled brothers, the film showcases their outstanding performances and profound chemistry, effectively drawing viewers into the intense narrative. Alongside Farrell and McGregor, the supporting cast includes renowned actress Hayley Atwell and Oscar-winner Tom Wilkinson, who bring depth and complexity to their respective roles.
With its masterful storytelling and expertly crafted suspense, Cassandra's Dream keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, exploring the complexities of human nature and the devastating aftermath of ill-fated choices.
Also Known As:
Cassandra's DreamRelease Date:
18 Jan 2008Writers:
Woody Allen