In Ghost Patrol (2016), Gabi and Spence, along with their trusty dog, are known as the Ghost Patrol in their town. While they advertise themselves as supernatural pest control experts, they have never actually encountered a real ghost. However, everything changes when they receive a mysterious call to investigate the infamous Geist Manor.
Excited to finally have the opportunity to prove themselves, Gabi, Spence, and their dog venture into the supposedly haunted manor. As they explore the eerie corridors and dark corners, they stumble upon evidence that suggests the manor might indeed be haunted. Little do they know, they are about to uncover more than they bargained for.
As the truth behind the ghosts of Geist Manor is revealed, Gabi, Spence, and their dog find themselves entangled in a thrilling and supernatural adventure. They must use their wit, bravery, and teamwork to unravel the mysteries of the manor and put an end to the haunting.
With a mix of humor, suspense, and heartwarming moments, Ghost Patrol takes viewers on a thrilling journey filled with surprises and unexpected twists. Will Gabi, Spence, and their loyal dog be able to solve the mystery and finally capture proof of real ghosts? Find out in this captivating family-friendly movie.