Borkmanns punkt is a gripping Swedish crime thriller film based on the novel by Håkan Nesser. The story revolves around retired police inspector Van Veeteren, who is forced back into action when two decapitated bodies are discovered in rapid succession. With the murders bearing striking similarities, the investigation teams from Maardam and Kaalbringen are brought together to crack the case.
As Van Veeteren dives into the investigation, he faces numerous challenges. The collaborating teams struggle with communication issues and clashes of ego, making the case increasingly complex. Meanwhile, Van Veeteren's personal life also takes a toll as he navigates his retirement and the difficulties of being drawn back into a relentless murder investigation.
The film delves into the dark aspects of human nature, showcasing a cleverly plotted mystery that keeps the audience guessing until the very end. With its tense atmosphere and riveting plot twists, Borkmanns punkt is a must-watch for fans of Nordic noir and crime dramas.
Directed by Erik Leijonborg and featuring a stellar cast, this Swedish film combines top-notch performances with breathtaking cinematography to bring Håkan Nesser's intriguing story to life. Borkmanns punkt offers a thrilling and intense viewing experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Also Known As:
Borkmann's PointRelease Date:
14 Dec 2005Writers:
Niklas Rockström (screenplay), Björn Carlström (storyline), Stefan Thunberg (storyline), Håkan Nesser (novel)