Ordinary Decent Criminal is a thrilling crime movie set in Dublin, Ireland. The film revolves around Michael Lynch, the city's most notorious criminal. Known for his audacious robberies, Lynch is both despised by the police and revered by the working class of Northside Dublin.
Despite his criminal activities, Lynch manages to lead a seemingly normal life with his two wives, Christine and Lisa, who are also sisters, and his children. While he enjoys the thrill of pulling off elaborate heists, he also takes great pleasure in the spectacle and showmanship of his crimes.
Garda Noel Quigley becomes determined to put Lynch behind bars, and his initial obsession quickly develops into a full-blown vendetta. As the pressure mounts and the stakes get higher, a tense showdown between the two men becomes inevitable.
Ordinary Decent Criminal is a gripping and action-packed movie that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film showcases the clash between law enforcement and a cunning criminal mastermind, and explores themes of revenge, loyalty, and the blurred lines between right and wrong.
With its engaging storyline, compelling characters, and thrilling action sequences, Ordinary Decent Criminal is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas.