Rallybrudar is a captivating Swedish comedy film released in 2008. The story revolves around Ulla, a veterinary assistant who has taken up her job primarily to fulfill her passion for rally racing in Värmland's small roads. Birgitta, the daughter of a prominent local farmer, dreams of a life in Paris but ends up becoming Ulla's trusty map-reader instead.
As the duo embarks on a thrilling journey, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, making for an exciting and unpredictable adventure. Ulla's determination to prove herself as a skilled rally driver and Birgitta's relentless support create a strong bond between the two women, adding depth and heart to the storyline.
Meanwhile, Roffe, an expert mechanic, is busy working on his own car. His involvement in the racing scene brings an additional layer of excitement and competition to the narrative.
With a perfect blend of humor, adrenaline-pumping race sequences, and heartwarming friendships, Rallybrudar offers a thoroughly enjoyable cinematic experience. This light-hearted Swedish comedy, filled with quirky characters and unexpected twists, is a must-watch for fans of rally racing and feel-good films. Get ready to cheer on Ulla and Birgitta as they navigate the challenging world of rally racing and chase their dreams.
Also Known As:
RallybrudarRelease Date:
10 Oct 2008Writers:
Lena Koppel, Vasa, Marianne WilltorpAwards:
1 nomination