Snabba cash (2010) is a gripping Swedish crime thriller that follows the intertwined lives of three men caught in the dangerous world of drugs and crime. JW, a university student leading a double life, delves into the dangerous world of drug running to maintain his luxurious facade. On his journey, he finds himself entangled with two other men - Jorge, a fugitive desperately trying to escape the Serbian mafia and the police, and Mrado, a ruthless mafia enforcer in pursuit of Jorge.
As tensions rise and the stakes get higher, the fates of JW, Jorge, and Mrado become increasingly intertwined. With the Serbian mafia closing in and the police hot on their trails, they must navigate a treacherous web of deceit, betrayal, and danger.
Snabba cash is a fast-paced and thrilling ride that delves into the dark underbelly of crime and the consequences of choices made. Filled with intense action sequences, unexpected twists, and complex characters, this film will keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Note: This summary provides an enticing glimpse into the main plot points of Snabba cash without revealing any major spoilers, ensuring that viewers can experience the suspense and surprises first-hand.
Also Known As:
Easy MoneyRelease Date:
15 Jan 2010Writers:
Daniel Espinosa, Jens Lapidus, Fredrik WikströmAwards:
4 wins & 1 nomination