Almost Friends is a heartfelt romantic comedy that follows the life of Charlie, a twenty-something man who lacks direction and still resides with his mother and stepfather. Charlie finds himself captivated by a young woman named Amber, despite her being in a committed relationship. As their friendship blossoms, Charlie must navigate his feelings for Amber while also grappling with his own personal and professional struggles.
Set in a small town, Almost Friends explores the challenges of finding oneself and pursuing one's dreams. Charlie's aspirations of becoming a chef are constantly overshadowed by his lack of motivation and fear of failure. However, his relationship with Amber serves as a source of inspiration and pushes him to take steps towards his goals.
Throughout the film, the audience witnesses Charlie's journey of self-discovery and growth. With the support of his quirky best friend, Ben, and the guidance of his understanding boss, Charlie learns the importance of facing his fears and embracing change.
Almost Friends offers a refreshing take on love and friendship, highlighting the complexities of relationships and the struggle to find one's purpose in life. This charming and relatable film is sure to captivate audiences with its genuine characters and heartwarming storyline.
Also Known As:
Almost FriendsRelease Date:
17 Nov 2017Writers:
Jake GoldbergerAwards:
1 nomination