The Breaks series continues the story from the VH1 original movie, set in 1990 New York City during the peak of rap's Golden Age. Despite rap's creative boom, corporate America remains hesitant to fully embrace the genre. Nikki, the main character, secures her dream job as the assistant to the notorious and unpredictable Barry Fouray. Alongside Nikki is her best friend DeeVee, who works as a producer. DeeVee is collaborating with up-and-coming rapper Ahm, who is currently under investigation by the police for murder.
The series follows the journey of these ambitious young individuals as they navigate the cutthroat world of hip-hop. They are determined to reach the pinnacle of success and make their mark in the industry. Facing endless challenges, they must grapple with personal and professional obstacles. Nikki and DeeVee find themselves tangled in a complex web of ambition, loyalty, and deceit as they strive to rise to the top.
With its engaging storyline set against the backdrop of the rap industry's vibrant culture, The Breaks showcases the struggles, determination, and sacrifices required to break through in a highly competitive music scene. Will Nikki, DeeVee, and Ahm ultimately achieve their dreams or will the pressures of fame and fortune be too much to handle? Tune in to find out.