Brown Nation is a heartwarming and hilarious comedy series that follows Hasmukh, an Indian immigrant living in Queens, NY, and his struggles to run his small IT consulting company, Shree Ganesh Computers Limited Inc. Hasmukh's business is constantly on the brink of failure due to his lazy and disinterested staff. Meanwhile, his personal life is in turmoil as his wife Dimple, a frustrated artist, constantly complains about not having enough time to pursue her creativity. The couple's relationship is strained as they struggle to find a balance between work and family.
Throughout the series, Hasmukh faces numerous challenges as he navigates the ups and downs of both his professional and personal life. Despite his best efforts, it seems that neither his business nor his family truly have his best interests at heart. However, with a mix of humor and determination, Hasmukh perseveres, finding moments of joy and happiness amidst the chaos.
Brown Nation is a delightful comedy series that explores the challenges many immigrants face when trying to balance work and family life. With its relatable characters and hilarious situations, this show will leave audiences laughing and rooting for Hasmukh as he tries to find his place in the bustling city of New York.