Deadbeat is an engaging and supernatural comedy series that follows the witty and sarcastic Kevin Pacalioglu, a medium who connects with ghosts in order to resolve their lingering issues, allowing them to move on to the afterlife. With the assistance of his loyal but enigmatic best friend Roofie, who also happens to be a drug dealer, Kevin embarks on hilarious and sometimes challenging missions to help troubled spirits find closure.
Each episode brings a unique and quirky ghost encounter that often results in chaos and laughter. From a disgruntled gamer seeking revenge from beyond the grave to a ghostly bridezilla causing havoc at her wedding, Kevin's abilities as a medium are put to the test.
Deadbeat showcases a perfect blend of comedy and supernatural elements, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats while bursting into laughter. The chemistry between Kevin and Roofie adds an extra layer of humor, with their banter and unlikely partnership creating uproarious moments.
This captivating series will captivate both fans of comedy and the supernatural, offering an entertaining escape into a world where ghosts and the living collide. Buckle up for a wild and laughter-filled ride with Deadbeat, as Kevin navigates the realms of the living and the dead in search of resolution and closure.