Resurrection is a captivating and thought-provoking television series that dives into the lives of the individuals residing in Arcadia, Missouri, who undergo a profound transformation when their departed family members suddenly reappear. This extraordinary phenomenon impacts both the returned loved ones and the community in ways that are both breathtaking and mysterious.
As the series unfolds, viewers are taken on a compelling journey, exploring the complicated relationships, emotional conflicts, and moral dilemmas that arise in the wake of these extraordinary events. The lives of the returned individuals are examined as they grapple with adjusting to a world that has evolved in their absence, while their families and the community at large must confront their own unresolved issues and face the consequences of their past actions.
The series delves into deep philosophical and existential questions, exploring themes of life, death, faith, and redemption. With its innovative storytelling and complex characters, Resurrection offers viewers a unique and stimulating viewing experience.
Combining elements of drama, mystery, and supernatural intrigue, Resurrection takes audiences on an unforgettable journey into the lives of ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. With its compelling narrative and well-developed characters, it challenges viewers to ponder the nature of identity, love, and the human condition. Don't miss the chance to embark on this extraordinary journey by streaming Resurrection today.
Also Known As:
ResurrectionRelease Date:
09 Mar 2014Writers:
Aaron ZelmanAwards:
2 nominations