Peaky Blinders is an enthralling gangster family drama that takes place in 1900s England. This captivating series revolves around a notorious gang known for their distinctive fashion statement of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their caps, which they use as weapons. Led by the enigmatic and powerful Tommy Shelby, the gang is feared and respected in the gritty streets of Birmingham.
Tommy Shelby, brilliantly portrayed by Cillian Murphy, is the charismatic and cunning mastermind behind the Peaky Blinders. As their fierce boss, he navigates the treacherous world of crime with a strategic mind and unwavering determination. With ambitions beyond the streets of Birmingham, Tommy plots to expand his empire and rise in societal ranks.
Amidst the gripping crime narratives, the show delves into the complex dynamics of the Shelby family. From Arthur, Tommy's hot-tempered older brother, to Polly, their fierce and shrewd aunt, each member contributes to both the strength and vulnerability of the family.
As the series progresses, the Peaky Blinders find themselves entangled in a world of political intrigue, clandestine operations, and dangerous alliances. With an exceptional ensemble cast, including Helen McCrory, Paul Anderson, and Joe Cole, Peaky Blinders offers a spellbinding narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Prepare to immerse yourself in a thrilling world of power, honor, and family loyalty as you witness the rise of the legendary Peaky Blinders.
Also Known As:
Peaky BlindersRelease Date:
30 Sep 2014Writers:
Steven KnightAwards:
Won 1 BAFTA Film Award21 wins & 47 nominations total