In the post-apocalyptic anime series 7Seeds, the world has been devastated by a massive meteorite collision, eradicating all life on Earth. Prior to this event, the government secretly established the 7Seeds project, which aimed to preserve humanity. Five groups of young individuals from different walks of life were selected to be cryogenically frozen and awakened in the future to rebuild humanity.
The story primarily revolves around Team Summer B, a group of seven individuals awakened in a future era. They find themselves in a dangerous environment, where mutated creatures and harsh conditions threaten their survival. As they struggle to adapt to their new reality, they must work together to navigate the unknown and find a way to restore civilization.
Additionally, the series explores the complex relationships among the team members as they face various challenges and personal dilemmas. Each character brings their unique skill set and background, contributing to the group's dynamics. As they encounter other teams in their journey, alliances are formed, and conflicts arise, adding further layers to the narrative.
7Seeds combines elements of survival, adventure, and interpersonal drama in a post-apocalyptic setting. With its compelling storyline and diverse cast of characters, the series explores themes of resilience, friendship, and the human will to persist in the face of adversity.
Also Known As:
7SeedsRelease Date:
28 Jun 2019