50 States of Fright is a thrilling horror anthology series available on Quibi that delves into the dark and twisted tales based on urban legends from various locations across the United States. Each episode takes viewers on a spine-chilling journey, unraveling the terrifying secrets that lie beneath the surface in different states.
With a unique format designed for mobile viewing, the series offers bite-sized episodes that are perfect for on-the-go entertainment. Each story is self-contained, allowing viewers to easily dive into any episode without missing a beat.
As the series explores different states, audiences will get a chance to explore the terrifying myths and legends that have plagued various regions of the country. From the chilling tales of haunted houses to the hair-raising encounters with supernatural creatures, 50 States of Fright promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Through its expert storytelling and atmospheric cinematography, the series brings these urban legends to life, immersing viewers in terrifying worlds filled with suspense, mystery, and horror. With each episode offering a fresh and distinct narrative, 50 States of Fright guarantees a thrilling and unpredictable watch for horror enthusiasts.
Prepare to uncover the chilling nightmares that lie within the shadows of America's most haunted places in 50 States of Fright, streaming exclusively on Quibi.
With a unique format designed for mobile viewing, the series offers bite-sized episodes that are perfect for on-the-go entertainment. Each story is self-contained, allowing viewers to easily dive into any episode without missing a beat.
As the series explores different states, audiences will get a chance to explore the terrifying myths and legends that have plagued various regions of the country. From the chilling tales of haunted houses to the hair-raising encounters with supernatural creatures, 50 States of Fright promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Through its expert storytelling and atmospheric cinematography, the series brings these urban legends to life, immersing viewers in terrifying worlds filled with suspense, mystery, and horror. With each episode offering a fresh and distinct narrative, 50 States of Fright guarantees a thrilling and unpredictable watch for horror enthusiasts.
Prepare to uncover the chilling nightmares that lie within the shadows of America's most haunted places in 50 States of Fright, streaming exclusively on Quibi.