Title: 3% (2016–2020)
Welcome to a post-apocalyptic Brazil, where the acclaimed and suspenseful series 3% uncovers a captivating tale of hope, struggle, and intense competition. Set in a near-future Brazil, this thrilling show follows the journey of a select group striving to join an exclusive society that promises a better life.
In the aftermath of a devastating world crisis, only 3% of the population is given the opportunity to ascend to an idyllic sanctuary called the Offshore. To secure a place in this privileged society, candidates must undergo a rigorous and challenging process known as the Process. This intense evaluation tests their intelligence, physical abilities, and personal morality, ultimately determining who will be eligible for a better future.
As the candidates endure trials, alliances form, secrets surface, and personal sacrifices are made in their bid to join the elite 3%. The series delves into the political intrigues, moral dilemmas, and complex dynamics that arise during this life-changing endeavor.
3% enthralls viewers with its gripping storyline, exploring themes of inequality, resilience, and human nature. With stunning visuals and a talented ensemble cast, the show delivers a thought-provoking narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
Discover the thrilling world of 3% as it challenges your perceptions of society and the lengths people will go to seize a better future.
Also Known As:
3%Release Date:
25 Nov 2016Writers:
Pedro AguileraAwards:
2 nominations