20th Century Girl is a heartwarming coming-of-age film set in the year 1999. The story follows a compassionate teenager who finds herself in an unexpected situation when her best friend asks her to keep an eye on a popular classmate whom he has a crush on. Intrigued by the task, the young girl starts observing and secretly documenting the life of this classmate, navigating the challenges of high school friendships and teenage emotions.
As the days go by, the protagonist begins to develop her own unique connection with the classmate, learning about her hopes, dreams, and struggles. Through her discreet observations and personal experiences, the teenager gradually discovers the complexities of love, friendship, and self-discovery.
20th Century Girl beautifully captures the essence of the late 90s with its nostalgic aesthetics, heartfelt storytelling, and genuine performances. The film takes viewers on a journey filled with relatable teenage experiences, including first crushes, social pressures, and the search for identity.
With its universal themes of empathy, acceptance, and personal growth, 20th Century Girl appeals to audiences of all ages, particularly those who appreciate authentic coming-of-age narratives. This heartwarming film reminds us of the transformative power of human connections and the importance of understanding others. Get ready to embark on a nostalgic journey through the late 90s and witness a young girl's unforgettable summer of self-discovery in 20th Century Girl.
Also Known As:
20th Century GirlRelease Date:
21 Oct 2022Writers:
Woo-ri Bang