In the heartwarming film 20,000 Species of Bees (2023), a young girl and her mother spend a summer at a quaint village house centered around beekeeping. As they immerse themselves in the world of bees, they uncover surprising truths about themselves and the interconnectedness of nature. The film explores themes of family bonds, self-discovery, and the importance of preserving the environment.
As the mother and daughter delve deeper into the world of beekeeping, they are confronted with challenges that push them to confront their fears and insecurities. Through their experiences, they come to realize the profound impact that bees have on the ecosystem and the role they play in sustaining life on Earth.
20,000 Species of Bees (2023) is a heartfelt story that highlights the beauty of nature and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a journey of growth and transformation that will inspire audiences to appreciate the wonders of the natural world and the importance of protecting it for future generations.
Also Known As:
20,000 Species of BeesRelease Date:
21 Apr 2023Writers:
Estibaliz Urresola SolagurenAwards:
29 wins & 51 nominations