1923 takes viewers on a captivating journey through the early 20th century, as the resilient Dutton family confronts a series of daunting obstacles. Set against the backdrop of Western expansion, Prohibition, and the Great Depression, this gripping historical drama is certain to captivate and enthrall.
As the Duttons navigate the ever-changing landscape of the American West, they find themselves facing new and formidable challenges. Western expansion threatens their way of life, forcing them to fight for their land, livelihoods, and deep-rooted traditions. Meanwhile, the nation's experiment with Prohibition brings its own set of trials and tribulations, as the Duttons navigate the underground world of bootlegging and endure the consequences of their choices.
However, their toughest test comes with the arrival of the Great Depression. The economic downturn plunges the Duttons into uncertainty and hardship, as they struggle to keep their family together while enduring the devastating consequences of financial collapse.
With its intense storyline and rich historical context, 1923 offers a compelling portrayal of a family's resilience in the face of adversity. Prepare to be transported to a pivotal period in American history as the Duttons fight for their survival in a rapidly changing world.
Also Known As:
1923Release Date:
18 Dec 2022Writers:
Taylor Sheridan