In this exhilarating animated adventure series, The Rocketeer takes flight once again, but this time with a bold twist. When a young girl named Kit inherits the powerful persona of the legendary Rocketeer, along with a high-tech jetpack, she embarks on a series of epic adventures to protect her town from villains and save the day.
With the support of her genius inventor friend, Tesh, Kit navigates the challenges of her newfound responsibility while uncovering the secrets behind her extraordinary inheritance. Together, they form an unstoppable team as they confront perilous missions, battle ruthless enemies, and unveil a world of thrilling mysteries.
With stunning animation and fast-paced action, The Rocketeer captures the awe-inspiring spirit of the original comic book in a fresh and modern way. Audiences of all ages will be captivated by Kit's determination, intelligence, and bravery as she soars through the skies, discovering her own superhero powers along the way.
Packed with heart-pounding thrills, unforgettable characters, and a touch of nostalgia, this family-friendly series is a must-watch for fans of high-flying adventure. Get ready to join Kit on her heroic journey as she becomes the incredible Rocketeer and shows us that dreams can truly take flight.
Also Known As:
The RocketeerRelease Date:
08 Nov 2019Awards:
5 nominations.