In the gripping thriller Cobra (2020–2023), a devastating occurrence of power outages plunges the entire country into chaos and poses a serious threat to lives. To tackle this catastrophe, the COBRA committee is formed, bringing together the top experts and politicians of the United Kingdom. Their primary objective is to devise a plan to restore electricity and save the nation from the brink of collapse.
Led by the charismatic Prime Minister Robert Sutherland, played by Robert Carlyle, the committee faces numerous challenges, including escalating panic among citizens, limited resources, and a race against time. With the clock ticking, COBRA must make critical decisions that will determine the fate of the country.
As tensions rise and external forces further complicate matters, the committee members must navigate political rivalries, personal dilemmas, and ethical questions. The series delves into the high-pressure world of crisis management, examining the human consequences of such emergencies and the sacrifices necessary to restore stability.
Filled with suspense, adrenaline, and unexpected twists, Cobra provides an intense and realistic portrayal of a nation on the brink. With stellar performances and a gripping storyline, this compelling drama will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, pondering the devastating consequences of a power outage and the resilience of those tasked with finding a solution.
Also Known As:
CobraRelease Date:
04 Oct 2020Writers:
Ben Richards