Lewis is a captivating crime drama series that follows the intricately woven investigations of Inspector Robert Lewis and his loyal partner, Sergeant James Hathaway. Set against the backdrop of the prestigious University City of Oxford, this compelling show reveals the challenges faced by the intellectual pair as they untangle the complex mysteries presented by Oxford's sharpest minds.
Inspector Robert Lewis, a methodical and dedicated detective known for his keen intuition, teams up with the brilliant and enigmatic Sergeant James Hathaway, a former theology student with a deep knowledge of art and classical music. Together, they navigate a series of perplexing and high-stakes cases that test their intellect and fortitude.
Each episode of Lewis explores a standalone mystery, delving into the secrets and scandals hidden within Oxford's esteemed institutions and elite social circles. As they pursue justice, Lewis and Hathaway delve deep into the motives and psyche of the perpetrators, utilizing their expertise to crack intricate puzzles and expose the truth.
With its riveting storyline, masterful performances, and stunning Oxford backdrop, Lewis offers a captivating blend of suspense, intellect, and intrigue. Fans of crime dramas will be drawn to the dynamic chemistry between Lewis and Hathaway, as they work tirelessly to bring justice to the city of Oxford. Prepare to be enthralled by the captivating world of Lewis as they unravel one mystery after another in their relentless pursuit of truth.
Also Known As:
Inspector LewisRelease Date:
30 Jul 2006Awards:
1 win & 3 nominations.