Paradise PD is an animated series that revolves around a group of under-performing cops. Although they may not be corrupt, they certainly are far from being reliable first responders. Set in the titular town of Paradise, the show follows a team of misfit police officers as they navigate through bizarre and outlandish situations.
Led by Police Chief Randall Crawford, the Paradise PD is comprised of a colorful cast of characters, each with their own quirks and flaws. Kevin, the rookie cop, struggles with gaining respect from his colleagues, while Dusty, the K-9 unit dog, is perpetually high on drugs. Meanwhile, Gina, the criminalist, is extremely trigger-happy, often leading to disastrous consequences.
The series offers a unique blend of comedy, action, and irreverent humor as the Paradise PD tackle cases that range from investigating a dangerous drug epidemic to a zoo filled with genetically modified animals. With each episode, the viewers are taken on a wild and unexpected ride, filled with shocking twists, dark humor, and outrageous scenarios.
Paradise PD is a riotous and unconventional take on the classic cop show genre. With its irreverent humor, engaging characters, and unpredictable storylines, this animated series promises to entertain audiences who enjoy dark comedy and offbeat adventures.
Also Known As:
Paradise PDRelease Date:
31 Aug 2018Writers:
Roger Black, Waco O'Guin