12 Monkeys (2015–2018) is a thrilling and captivating television series that revolves around the journey of a time traveler. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, the show follows the protagonist as he travels back in time to the present day with a crucial mission. His task is to find and eliminate the origins of a devastating and lethal plague that threatens to wipe out humanity.
This gripping series offers a unique blend of mystery, science fiction, and adventure. It takes viewers on a suspenseful ride as the time traveler navigates through various time periods and encounters unexpected twists and turns in his quest to save the world.
With a stellar cast and expert storytelling, 12 Monkeys keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. As the protagonist delves deeper into the past, the secrets surrounding the deadly plague unravel, leading to shocking revelations that challenge everything he thought he knew. The show expertly balances action-packed sequences and character-driven moments, providing a multi-layered narrative that engages viewers from start to finish.
With its high production value and intricate plotlines, 12 Monkeys is certain to captivate fans of science fiction and time travel enthusiasts. Prepare to be enthralled as you join the protagonist on his thrilling and suspense-filled journey through time in a race against the clock to save humanity.
Also Known As:
12 MonkeysRelease Date:
16 Jan 2015Writers:
Travis Fickett, Terry MatalasAwards:
4 wins & 10 nominations