In the thrilling TV series 100 Code, viewers are transported between the vibrant streets of New York City and the chilling landscapes of Stockholm, Sweden. A series of unsolved murders has plagued both cities, targeting young women with a striking physical resemblance - blonde hair, blue eyes, and a haunting presence of Asphodel flowers.
Detective Tommy Conley, a seasoned investigator from the NYPD, is granted permission to join forces with the Stockholm Police Department. His mission: to provide insights and advice on these seemingly connected crimes. As Conley delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers disturbing similarities between the cases; a meticulous killer leaves behind cryptic messages and follows a sinister pattern. Alongside Stockholm Detectives Mikael Eklund and Conny Sjöberg, Conley races against time to decipher these clues before more lives are lost.
100 Code takes audiences on a gripping journey as the detectives navigate the complexities of both cities and unearth shocking secrets along the way. The juxtaposition of New York's bustling metropolis and Stockholm's serene landscapes adds an extra layer of intrigue to this dark and suspenseful crime series. Will Tommy Conley's expertise be enough to catch the ruthless killer before he strikes again? Prepare for heart-pounding suspense and unexpected twists in 100 Code.