10 000 timmar is an invigorating Swedish film that follows the transformative journey of an everyday man named Oskar. After unexpectedly winning the lottery, Oskar takes a leap of faith and decides to quit his job in order to chase his childhood dream of becoming a professional soccer player. Determined to succeed, he commits himself to an intensive 10,000 hours of training.
As Oskar embarks on this exhilarating quest, he faces numerous challenges and obstacles. With unwavering dedication, he meticulously hones his skills, pushing his physical and mental boundaries. Along the way, Oskar encounters a diverse cast of characters who either support his ambitions or hinder his progress. Through the ups and downs of his journey, Oskar not only learns about the game of soccer but also discovers valuable life lessons about perseverance, self-belief, and the importance of following one's passion.
Infused with relentless energy and compelling performances, 10 000 timmar captivates viewers with its inspiring story of resilience and determination. This heartwarming Swedish film beautifully captures the essence of chasing one's dreams, reminding audiences to never give up on their aspirations. Whether you're a soccer enthusiast or someone seeking motivation, 10 000 timmar will leave you inspired and uplifted.
Also Known As:
10 000 timmarRelease Date:
04 Apr 2014Writers:
Joachim Hedén